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How Long Do Lizards Live? – Lifespans of Lizard Species
Do you have the curiosity to know how long lizards live or want to keep a pet lizard? Well, in this article we will provide you with detailed information about the life expectancy of different kinds of lizards. From Komodo dragons and geckos to iguanas and skinks, there is much more than meets the eye when it comes to understanding their lifespan. We will be exploring everything from average ages to factors that can affect their longevity. So read on as we get deep into trying to answer one simple question – How Long Do Lizards Live?
- 1 How long do lizards live?
- 2 Different types of lizards and their average lifespans
- 3 How to extend lizards lifespan?
- 4 Tips for helping and take caring lizards
- 5 What factors influence a lizards lifespan?
- 6 Some common cause of death of lizards
- 7 How to provide the best possible care for your pet lizard?
- 8 Conclusion: How long do lizards live?
- 9 FAQs: Lizard
- 9.1 What is the lifespan of a regular lizard?
- 9.2 What is the lifespan of a dragon lizard?
- 9.3 What are the oldest living lizards?
- 9.4 What lizard lives 50 years?
- 9.5 How old is the first lizard?
- 9.6 What lizards have a short lifespan?
- 9.7 What lizard lives 200 years?
- 9.8 How to take care of a lizard?
- 9.9 Where do lizard live?
- 9.10 Do lizards die in cold weather?
How long do lizards live?
The answer of How Long Do Lizards Live depends on the species of lizard and their living environment. Lizards typically have an average lifespan of 5 years in the wild. When kept as pets, however, lizards can live up to 20 to 50 years.The longevity of a lizard’s life is impacted heavily by its habitat and the amount of space it is given. The more space a lizard has, the longer it will live because it will have more opportunities to exercise and fulfill its natural behaviors. The conditions in which a lizard is kept also play an important role in its lifespan. A proper diet and temperature are crucial for the health and longevity of lizards. Lizards require UVB lighting to produce vitamin D, which aids in the absorption of calcium for strong bones and overall health. Without proper lighting and temperature, lizards can suffer from metabolic bone disease and other health issues that can shorten their lifespan.

Different types of lizards and their average lifespans
Lizards’ lifespans depend on their species:
- Geckos typically live 10-15 years in a home environment
- Chameleons usually survive 5-7 years
- Iguanas can live up to 20 years
- Komodo Dragons, the largest of lizards, have an average lifespan of 40 years.
- However, they have been known to live up to 50 years in captivity
- Bearded Dragons, a popular pet lizard, can live up to 10 years with proper care and nutrition
- Anoles usually live 2-3 years in captivity, but can live up to 8 years in the wild
How to extend lizards lifespan?

Here are the top tips to help extend the life of your pet lizard:
- Provide lizards with a proper diet based on their species; carnivorous lizards should be fed live crickets, mealworms, and waxworms; herbivorous lizards require dandelions, romaine, watercress, green beans, bok choy, shredded carrot, papaya, cactus fruit, and berries; omnivorous lizards require a mix of both.
- Proper housing for lizards requires converting an aquarium into a terrarium and ensuring the tank is of adequate size. Temperature regulation is key, as lizards require higher temperatures than humans perceive as comfortable. Heat is essential for lizard survival, necessary to maintain movement and digestion functions.
- Provide water for your lizard as needed. Offer shallow dishes and bird bubbler bowls as sources of hydration. Bubbler bowls are ideal for lizards that do not drink still water.
Tips for helping and take caring lizards
Here are some helpful tips that can guide you in taking care of your pet lizard:
- Do Your Research – Before getting a pet lizard, make sure to do your research on the specific species you want to own. Different types of lizards have different needs and requirements for optimal health and happiness.
- Provide Adequate Housing – Lizards require proper housing that can provide them with enough space to move around, climb, and bask under a heat source. The size of the enclosure should be appropriate for the size and type of lizard you have.
- Create the Right Temperature and Humidity – Lizards are cold-blooded animals that rely on external sources for regulating their body temperature. It is crucial to create the right temperature and humidity levels in their enclosure to mimic their natural habitat.
- Provide a Varied Diet – Lizards have specific dietary needs, and it is essential to provide them with a varied and balanced diet. Insects, vegetables, fruits, and supplements should be included in their diet to ensure they are getting all the necessary nutrients.
- Keep Their Enclosure Clean – Lizards are susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections, so it is crucial to keep their enclosure clean. Spot clean daily and deep clean the entire enclosure at least once a month.
What factors influence a lizards lifespan?
After knowing how long do lizards live, you may wonder what impacts their lifespan. The lifespan of a lizard will depend on its species and living environment. Captive lizards that are provided adequate nutrition, habitat setup, and veterinary care have the best chance of living beyond their expected lifespan. In the wild, factors such as predation or climate change can reduce a lizards’ life expectancy significantly. Additionally, improper husbandry practices in captivity may shorten a reptile’s lifespan by several years. It is important to research the specific needs of your pet in order to ensure they live a long and healthy life.
Some common cause of death of lizards
– Disease or illness
– Injuries (from predators, habitat changes, etc.)
– Malnutrition
– Poor husbandry practices.
Ultimately, providing lizards with the right habitat and adequate care can help them live a long and healthy life. With proper research and commitment to monitoring their health, it is possible for lizards to enjoy life in captivity for many years. It is important to remember that all species will have different needs so it is essential to take the time to understand what those needs are in order to ensure your pet receives the care they need. More posts like this in
How to provide the best possible care for your pet lizard?

Providing the best care possible for your pet lizard is essential to ensure their long-term health, happiness, and longevity. Taking the time to research their species, habitat needs, diet requirements, veterinary care, and other factors can help you provide them with a safe and comfortable living environment that meets all of their needs. By doing this, you can give your pet the best chance of living a long life in captivity or in the wild. Ultimately, providing proper husbandry practices is an important responsibility that should not be taken lightly. With dedication and commitment to providing quality care to your pet lizard, you can rest assured knowing they have been given every opportunity to live a happy and healthy life.
Conclusion: How long do lizards live?
How Long Do Lizards Live? can depend on its species and living environment. In captivity, lizards that are provided adequate nutrition, habitat setup, and veterinary care have the best chance of living beyond their expected life span. Wild lizards may face additional factors such as predation or climate change that can reduce their life expectancy significantly. Poor husbandry practices in captivity can also shorten a reptile’s lifespan by several years. Ultimately, providing your pet with the right habitat and adequate care will help ensure they live a long and healthy life. With proper research and commitment to monitoring their health, it is possible for lizards to enjoy life for many years in captivity or in the wild.
FAQs: Lizard
What is the lifespan of a regular lizard?
Lizards kept in captivity as pets have a long lifespan, usually between 20-50 years. A lizards’ life expectancy is affected by its habitat and amount of space provided.
What is the lifespan of a dragon lizard?
Bearded dragons have a lifespan of 10-15 years, so they require commitment from their owners. Their natural habitat should be replicated to ensure proper care. Owners should take the necessary precautions to keep their bearded dragon healthy and happy.
What are the oldest living lizards?
The Tuatara are exclusive to New Zealand and known as the World’s oldest living fossil. Tuataras are the last of their reptile species, having existed before the dinosaurs, more than 200 million years ago.
What lizard lives 50 years?
Komodo dragon: a large lizard with dinosaur-like features that can live for up to 50 years. Native to Indonesia’s Lesser Sunda Islands, where it stands as the dominant predator of its habitat.
How old is the first lizard?
Scientists have revised the timeline for when the world’s first lizards evolved – to over 250 million years ago. This revision of timelines could provide greater insight into how lizards evolved.
What lizards have a short lifespan?
Chameleons have the shortest lifespan among reptiles, typically living 1-3 years in captivity. Poor husbandry is the likely cause of their short lifespans, not a natural life expectancy.
What lizard lives 200 years?
Tuatara are reptiles that can live up to an average of 60 years, although they have the potential to live for over 100 years. They have the second longest lifespan among reptiles, being outdone only by tortoises. Some experts suggest that tuatara in captivity could potentially live up to 200 years old.
How to take care of a lizard?
Lizards usually thrive in small groups with only one male present. Bearded Dragons, Veiled Chameleons, and Panther Chameleons should be housed on their own. Aquariums or reptile terrariums are the best habitats for lizards. For optimal living conditions, larger enclosures should be provided; the tank should be at least twice as long as the lizard.
Where do lizard live?
Lizards inhabit all continents except Antarctica, though they avoid cold areas and deep oceans. Various species of lizards live on the ground, in trees, burrows, and even water.
Do lizards die in cold weather?
In winter, lizards need to make sure they stay warm in order to survive. If the outside temperature is cold or freezing, lizards will feel the same effect and could perish.
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